lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2009

Momentos Musicales: [2009] Technikal feat Andy Whitby - Hard House Slut

No suelo escuchar mucho Hard House pero este tema la verdad es que lo rompe. Tengo ganas de bajarme temas de este estilo para hacer una sesión algún día. En su día se mezclaba esto con Uplifting, igual una mezcla con actual puede quedar bien. O igual no XD

My name is Julia
I have a husband and 3 children
I'm a housewife
There's nothing more satisfying than making dinner for your man, washing up around the clock and doing the hoovering
Sometimes I even like to take all of the food out of the fridge, re-arrange it all and put it all back in
Keeping busy makes me happy
Sometimes I'm even a little naughty and catch a bit of daytime TV in between my chores
But I do harbour one little secret
One little secret that my family shall never know...
I'm a hard house slut

I wanna touch your bassline
Rock my body, suck your kick
Push my tempo to the max, tease your wrist and fuck the pitch
Don't need no baby cos music is my smut
These beats are all I need...
I'm a Hard House slut!

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